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Tag Archives: Last of the Mohicans
kicking a rusty can down the road
Rusty. Shopworn. Used. There is something powerful in the American psyche that seeks to create the idea of a bygone time when life moved slower. Relive the Oregon Trail and be an ocular witness to the Last of the Mohicans. … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Albert Bierstadt, DCC Crafts, decorative painting, James Fenimore Cooper, john ford director, John Wayne, Kraft Klub Home Kreation, Last of the Mohicans, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, madame pickwick art supplies, thomas moran
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”Guillaume-Thomas-François, abbé Raynal (1713-1796) was an Enlightened historian who wrote on the Dutch Stadholderate and the English Parliament. His most famous work was the 8 volume Histoire philosophique et politique, des établissements et du commerce des européens dans les deux … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Alex de Toqueville, battle of yorkton, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin West, Comte de Buffon, Francis Bacon, General Sullivan, Guillaume Thomas Francois abbe Raynal, Isaac Newton, Jacques LeMoyne, James Fenimore Cooper, James Gillray, Jan Verelst, Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Mix Stanley, Last of the Mohicans, Louis Maurer, Sir Francis Bacon, Theodor de Bry,
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