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Tag Archives: arlo guthrie
get rid of it in the interests of the rich
Secular humanism. Atheism. Modernism, Moral relativism. All parts of liberalist ideology? We are all the same and there is no difference. Even a five year old could assert its a bald faced lie and the entire premise of multi-culturism and equality … Continue reading
flaneurs and collectors
A fascination with the banal, the purely mediocre or downright almost instantly obsolescent; the unspectacular and all that is the antithesis of the Society of the Spectacle. An effort to exploit, better still, to redefine and re-perceive the radical potential … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged arlo guthrie, Charles Baudelaire, Franz Hessel, Franz Kafka, Franz Rosenzweig, Frederico Fellini, Gustave Caillebotte, Harold Bloom, Max Horkheimer, occupy wall street, Pete Seeger, Walter Benjamin
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