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Tag Archives: oscar wilde socialism
get rid of it in the interests of the rich
Secular humanism. Atheism. Modernism, Moral relativism. All parts of liberalist ideology? We are all the same and there is no difference. Even a five year old could assert its a bald faced lie and the entire premise of multi-culturism and equality … Continue reading
the wilde ones
The archetype of the socialist intellectual. The keen eyed observer, but missing a few pieces that would temper an interest in the problems of society with a less poetic palette of sweeping verse. Nonethless, there are some profound insights here … Continue reading
safe harbor for captain broke
Mitt Romney under siege for not having the common touch. For not paying sufficient taxes. For not appearing to have any interest in the poor and their sort. There is a tug of war between what economist Schumpeter termed the … Continue reading