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Tag Archives: balfour declaration
when my ship comes in
Identity crisis. Crisis what Crisis? The debate inside Israel over these issues is passionate and ongoing, but perhaps not too profound. It stays in the comfort zone, preventing an articulation of a coherent definition of its own identity. If the … Continue reading →
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged asher ginsberg, balfour declaration, Baruch Spinoza, bialik poet, byron l. sherwin, caspar david freidrich, ephraim kishon, George Grosz, Gershom Scholem, haim naham bialik, Hieronymous Bosch, Honore de Balzac, Maimonides, noam chomsky middle east, nurit gertz, pieter bruegel parable of the blind, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Rick Salutin, ronit lentit, Theodor Herzl
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