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Tag Archives: noam chomsky middle east
the right must leave: no dawdling. no loitering.
State of exception. Land of confusion. It can be plausibly be asserted that Zionism has been intertwined in racial identity issues since its modern incarnation that began before Herzl. The hierarchy and pecking order, the old tropes of status and … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged a.d. gordon, a.m. klein, benny morris, Byron Childe Harolde, david frischman, David Lean, Edward Said, eugene fromentin, fatma kassen, Hieronymous Bosch, ilan pappe, lev grinberg, Martin Buber, meir margalit, Michael Greenstein, Michel Foucault, noah j. efron, noam chomsky middle east, omar sharif, peter o'toole, rafael falk, T.E. Lawrence, Tim Dirks, William Butler Yeats, yakov m. rabkin, Yeats Sailing to Byzantium
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revolution is a trademark
Revolution is a registered trademark of Adidas. Revolution is a brand. The love beads, the Afro, it reproduces itself in new contexts continuously reinventing itself; the P.R. machine working on heavy rotation to secure the minds and souls of the … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged african monetary fund, Ben Bernanke, british PM David Cameron Libya, carrie bradshaw, chaloub group, eni oil company, francois-henri pinault, greg muttitt war on want, IMF, jean-paul pougala, jeff jetton, john rees stop the war coalition, Libya gold reserves, libyan revolution, louis vuitton arab world, louis vuitton middle east, nato mission libya, NATO operation siren, Noam Chomsky, noam chomsky middle east, patrick chaloub, sarah jessica parker, stop the war coalition
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