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Tag Archives: Bela Kun
Crowns of gold have a potent and conditioning magic. In Shakespeare, reigning Monarchs, Usurpers and Heirs Apparent devote powerful speeches to the Crown’s mystery, hand the thing back and forth, grab it from sleeping brothers, and brood beautifully about its … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Adlai Stevenson, Bela Kun, Catherine the Great, Crown Jewels of Europe, Crown of Charlemagne, Emperor Otto I, Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen, Jimmy Carter, John Hedgecoe, Lord Twining, Louis XI of France, Mohamed Reza, Nuremberg Crown, Queen Elizabeth II, Shah of Iran
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Propaganda and World War One. Poster art from the Great War’s aftermath are visual documents that recall great propaganda and more importantly, the desperate years that produced it. They are compelling; and also a vivid form of pictorial shorthand for … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Bela Kun, Benito Mussolini, Edward Bernays, Leon Trotsky, Levi Berman Collection, Occupation of the Ruhr, oscar Kokoschka, Pilsudski Poland, Russian Revolution, Steinlen Poster Art, Versailles Treaty, Winston Churchill, World War One Posters
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They are just posters. However, they reflected a Europe in anguish. Posters preserved from the First World War’s aftermath recall great propaganda art as well as the desperate years that produced it. This kind of art is harsh but compelling … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Bela Kun, Edward Bernays, European political art, John Heartfield, Levi Berman Collection, Oskar Kokoschka, Steinlen Posters, Toulouse-Lautrec, Treaty of Versailles, Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson
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