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Tag Archives: Shah of Iran
flip the switch
Context is everything. Send in the Marines. But with boxes and moving vans. Its a good business opportunity. Within twenty-four months, who knows if there will be a Western Embassy in an Arab country. And Saudi Arabia getting nervous? Who … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Abanob Basseley, Bashar Al Assad, Beshara Rai, Debbie Schlussel, Harvey Stein, Iran Nuclear bomb, Iranian Revolution, Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic, Kate Middleton Hijab, Lazer Lloyd, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Sam Bacile, Shah of Iran, Steve Klein and Sam Bacile
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Crowns of gold have a potent and conditioning magic. In Shakespeare, reigning Monarchs, Usurpers and Heirs Apparent devote powerful speeches to the Crown’s mystery, hand the thing back and forth, grab it from sleeping brothers, and brood beautifully about its … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Adlai Stevenson, Bela Kun, Catherine the Great, Crown Jewels of Europe, Crown of Charlemagne, Emperor Otto I, Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen, Jimmy Carter, John Hedgecoe, Lord Twining, Louis XI of France, Mohamed Reza, Nuremberg Crown, Queen Elizabeth II, Shah of Iran
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