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Tag Archives: bernard henri-levy
repertory: islamophobia rewind
She makes a good point here, namely, stop bitching about the vulgarity of American culture vis a vis Islam and Arabs and make your own art or cultural product. Fight bad product with better, fight prejudice and lies with truth … Continue reading
re-write the book: wait for the director’s cut
There is such a wide gap of perception regarding Islam and Muslims in general in the West that does not permit a reconciliation of views; each is sharply juxtaposed against a given context that does not permit a synthesis. At … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ayaan Hirsi Ali, bernard henri-levy, Charles Clement Boniface Ozdemir, Christopher Hitchens, doug saunders globe and mail, Jeremy Sidney, John Wayne, Mark Steyn, Niall Ferguson, Omid Djalili, Peter Sellers Award for Comedy, Robert Redeker, Samia Ghali, Stephane Gatignon
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genet: risk and the safety of ritual
If we were talking only of the prose such as Our Lady and Journal of the Flowers, it might perhaps be possible to sweep past Genet. These books are books of prismatic brilliance, containing scene after scene of bizarre or … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word
Tagged Allen Ginsberg, Andy Warhol, bernard henri-levy, Bernard-Henry Levy, Edmund White, genet the balcony, hadrien laroche, hans koechler, Henry Miller, Jean Genet, Jean Paul Sartre, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, stan persky, William Burroughs
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