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Tag Archives: Edward Said
argo: the boatmen cometh
Excerpts from an article by John Pilger, far lefty analysis that raises some good issues, but more meaningfully, the template he reports on is not a new phenomenon but an alliance between Hollywood as entertainment complex putting the good face … Continue reading
trying to find their way home
Its hard to define exactly why the television series Homeland gives rise to such completely opposite sentiments, other than at its base, there is a deep seated and ingrained Christian bias against the Semite in general, and its complementary identity … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Adrien Henri Tanoux, D.H. Lawrence, Edward Said, Homeland HBO, Homeland television program, Jack Shaheen, Leon Bonnat, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Mandy Patinkin, Sheila Murphy, Stuart Hall, Thorstein Veblen
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fanon: fetish for revolution
…Frantz Fanon’s final theme is the emergence of a new national culture. Using Algeria as an example, he tried to show that art forms were being changed by the war. Arab storytellers he says, replaced the formula “this all happened … Continue reading
fanon:betrayal of the masses
Frantz Fanon. The prophet scorned. Fifty years after his death, this theorist of revolution still echoes sentiments pertinent today but whether they are relevant in an era of post-modernism is open to question… …Fanon’s third theme is the betrayal of … Continue reading
bernard says
At ninety-five he is still writing, still sharp and to the consternation of the Left, he continues to be be considered an architect of neo-conservatism and Islamophobia. He has also been vilified as the architect of neo-conservatism and Islamophobia, and … Continue reading
repertory: islamophobia rewind
She makes a good point here, namely, stop bitching about the vulgarity of American culture vis a vis Islam and Arabs and make your own art or cultural product. Fight bad product with better, fight prejudice and lies with truth … Continue reading
Taking the express train down into the tunnel known as apartheid. Certainly, a Hebrew state or a Jewbrew state held hostage by a minority that holds it over the majority is something not to shout, scream, kick and leap for … Continue reading
if dreyfus was an arab
Why we cannot forget Dreyfus. The chief actors in the drama have been on the political scene ever since but the dynamic takes on shape-shifting characteristics in defining new enemies and the necessity of an “other” as the basis of … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Captain Alfred Dreyfus, Charles Maurras, Edouard Drumont La Libre Parole, Edward Said, Emile Zola, Joseph Schildkraut, Jules Guerin, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Major Marie Charles Esterhazy, The Dreyfus Affair, William James
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T.V. Eye: prez in the fun house
Network television. Just what we’d expect the President to have a relish for. The commander in chief watching Neilson rated drama. This president with elite status I.Q. A stinging critique, but nothing here that is not known; America is a … Continue reading
benghazi: boxes of rain
The road to 10,000 armed soldiers begins with a single step; a mere budgetary line charge and adjustment, a few supply planes and a small dedicated group of fighters who have to be nurtured through the embryonic stage to be … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged American Special Operations Forces, American Special Operations Forces Libya, Christopher Stevens ambassador, David Frum, Edward Said, European Union Nobel Prize, Frans Hals, Frederic Wehrey, gene sharp, Hieronymous Bosch, Hilary Clinton Libya, robert fisk
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