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Tag Archives: dennis goldberg activist
what a wonderful world
A messianic redemption in a revived Israel? In A.M. Klein’s epilogue to the Second Scroll he wrote, “Where shall I find Thee?” It was a search that became more pressing during a time of God’s eclipse when absence dominated; the … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged amedeo modigliani, arthur goldreich, david berlin, denis goldberg, dennis goldberg activist, dennis goldberg ANC, ehud olmert, john dugard, Marc Chagall, Margaret Atwood, Martin Buber, Martin Buber Institute for Dialogical Ecology, meir margalit, meron benvenisti, michael ben yair, Nina maria Kleivan, rayan al-shawaf, Rick Salutin, ronnie kasrils, the moral lives of israelis
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