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Tag Archives: ehud olmert
settlements: obstacle or necessary to peace
It seems like an inverted sense of logic, but to a not insignificant number, the most immediate step to solving the problem is to settle the entire land. That is, wherever there is an open space in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Amona expulsion, Benjamin Netanyahu, Daniella Weiss, ehud olmert, Giulio Meotti, Jaron Gilinsky, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Migron expulsion Israel, Moshe Feiglin, Naftali Bennett Bayit Yehudi, Oz Zion outpost, Rabbi Dov Lior, Tzipi Livni
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stop the world: they want to get off
Violent, excessive and racist. No, not the Pamela Geller ads on Manhattan buses that council choosing civilization over Jihad or Holy War. Civilization you say? How about an Israeli rabbi ordering his flock to burn iphones, which is a way … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ahmadinejad at United Nations, Benjamin Netanyahu, ehud olmert, Ehud Olmert acquitted, Haim Hefer, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Pamela Geller, Paul McCartney, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, sandy koufax, Shaike Levi, shimon peres, Yated Neeman
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Business is business: a nation of traders?
1-800-kidnap. Its a new app. The kidnap app: does all the calculations, delivery charges, storage charges, maintenance charges. Any depreciation and product damage, insurance for product liability and any additional warranties on future performance that may fall short of expectations. … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged 9/11 Memorial Jerusalem, Bashar Al Assad, Dan Shapiro U.S. Embassy Irsarel, doug saunders globe and mail, Edward Said, Efim Weinstein, ehud olmert, Eliezer Weishoff sculptor, Eric Saunders, Free Syrian Army, Free Syrian Army Kidnappings, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Norman Finkelstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers Israel, Saad Hariri, Sheikh Nazem Abu Salim, Yitzhak Aharonovitch
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pink slip
Bad boyfriends. For some reason groups like Hamas and Hezbollah always seem to chase after the wrong sorts of boyfriends, in these instances the allure if Iran and Syria. Its a typical pattern. Through back channels, these groups do actually … Continue reading
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Tagged abou mazen, Amir Peretz, Dan Halutz, ehud olmert, Eric Fischl, Hannah Arendt, Hannah Arendt Zionism, Hasan Nazrallah, Israel Shamir, John Kerry in Gaza, Julian Assange, Khaled Mashaal, Lebanon War 2006, Meir Dagan Mossad, michael moynihan, mohammed badie muslim brotherhood, Peter Howson art, Steve Earle Jerusalem, Valley of Tears, valley of tears Israel, winograd commission, yossi melman
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remolding the scattered
There is no question there has been a fragmentation, a near collapse of the relationship between the ruling class of Israel, the secular establishment and all its state sanctioned apparatus of control , the bureaucracy, and the disparate elements that … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Benzion Netanyahu, Dani Rosenberg, Dani Rosenberg movies, David S. Wyman, ehud olmert, gush katif expulsion, Hannah Arendt Israel, jabotinsky, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Moshe Feiglin, Moshe Katsav, Norman Finkelstein, paul schutzer, paul schutzer photography, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, Steven Plaut, Susan Sontag, Yair Lapid, Zeev Jabotinsky
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blinded by the light
When Noam Chomsky first began writing about American involvement in Vietnam, the writing was taught, concise, well researched and quite clear in explaining Republicanism and monopoly capital. After that intellectual surge the avant-gard academia gradually devolved into the Anarch–Marxist washing, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Amona expulsion, Arafat meets Pope John Paul II, Ariel Sharon, Col. Shalom Eisner, ehud olmert, gush katif, Gush Katif museum, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, MK Danon, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, robert Mock, Slavoj Zizek, tony judt, tony kushner
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Much ado about nothing? Its remarkable how the most ardent critics of Zionism are basically part of the same ideological swamp ; leftist foes of liberal democracy that could not function without stretching the boundaries of the state’s democratic pretext … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged Amona expulsion, Ariel Sharon, Daniella Weiss, ehud olmert, Flytilla 2012, gush katif expulsion, Gush Katif museum, Judea and Samaria, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Migron expulsion, prime minister olmert, rabbi haim kanievski, rabbi ovadia yosef, Slavoj Zizek, Welcome to Palestine project, Yesha group, Yesha Rabbi Council
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what a wonderful world
A messianic redemption in a revived Israel? In A.M. Klein’s epilogue to the Second Scroll he wrote, “Where shall I find Thee?” It was a search that became more pressing during a time of God’s eclipse when absence dominated; the … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged amedeo modigliani, arthur goldreich, david berlin, denis goldberg, dennis goldberg activist, dennis goldberg ANC, ehud olmert, john dugard, Marc Chagall, Margaret Atwood, Martin Buber, Martin Buber Institute for Dialogical Ecology, meir margalit, meron benvenisti, michael ben yair, Nina maria Kleivan, rayan al-shawaf, Rick Salutin, ronnie kasrils, the moral lives of israelis
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