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Tag Archives: Dr. David Livingstone
A NAKED JUNGLE: Antsy On The Amazon
“Dese ants,” said Gerilleau, after collecting information at a rancho, “have big eyes. They don’t run about blind–not as most ants do. No! Dey get in corners and watch what you do.” “And they sting?” asked Holroyd. “Yes. Dey sting. … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged Aldous Huxley, Alexander von Humboldt, Alfred Russel Wallace, Anne McClintock, Candice Millard, Carl Stephenson, Charles Darwin, Charlton Heston, Ditko, Dr. David Livingstone, Empire of the Ants, H.G. Wells, Henry Walter Bates, Izak Dinesen, Janet Maslin, Joan Collins, Julia Belluz, Leiningen versus the ants, Stephen Baxter, Stephen Jay Gould, Tatsuya Morino, Theodore Roosevelt, Timothy Burke, William Conrad
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”It is … that Islamic law, though it does not specifically prohibit trafficking in persons, explicitly prohibits many of the acts and elements that constitute trafficking in persons. Islam is particularly explicit on the prohibition of slavery. Similarly, Islam prohibits … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Ideas/Opinion, Miscellaneous
Tagged Allan D. Austin, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Dr. David Livingstone, human trafficking, Jean Leon Gerome, Jim Byrnes, Karen Armstrong, Karl Marx, Kevin Bales, Marq de Villiers, Mississippi Sheiks, Salvador dali, Seyla Benhabib, Sheila Hirtle, Steve Dawson, The Sojourners, Voltaire
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The West is familiar with the history of slavery in the new world. It was sinful and terrible, and it lasted for several hundred years. And it was abolished mainly through the efforts of Christians in England such as Wilberforce … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Abolitionist movement, Ange Tissier, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Behnaz A. Mirzai, Billie Holiday, Billie Holiday Strange Fruit, Captain G.F. Lyons, Captain Lyon, Cardinal Lavigerie, David Brian Davis, David Roberts Egypt and Nubia, Dr. David Livingstone, Fabio Fabbi, Islam Slavery, Ismael Musah Montana, Marq de Villiers, Pamela Geller, Paul E. Lovejoy, Samuel Gamble, Sheila Hirtle, Sudan Secret Slave Trade, Sudan Slave Trade, Thomas Clarke, Wilberforce and Clark, William Wilberforce
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Think, in this batter’d Caravanserai Whose Portals are alternate Night and Day, How Sultan after Sultan with his Pomp Abode his destined Hour, and went his way. One Moment in Annihilation’s Waste, One moment, of the Well of Life to … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Abdul Gamar nasser, Alan Bogle, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Bill Maher, Caravanserai, Christopher Hitchens, Darre, David Livingstone, Dr. David Livingstone, Edward Fitzgerald, Edwin Long, Haj Amin al Husseini, James Boswell, James Richardson, Jonathan Kay national Post, Kurt Westergaard, Livingstone, Loreena McKennitt, Marq de Villiers, Otto Pilny, Rehan Ansari, Salman Rushdie, Sheila Hirtle, slave trade, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam, Theo van Gogh,
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