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Tag Archives: Iranian Revolution
flip the switch
Context is everything. Send in the Marines. But with boxes and moving vans. Its a good business opportunity. Within twenty-four months, who knows if there will be a Western Embassy in an Arab country. And Saudi Arabia getting nervous? Who … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Abanob Basseley, Bashar Al Assad, Beshara Rai, Debbie Schlussel, Harvey Stein, Iran Nuclear bomb, Iranian Revolution, Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic, Kate Middleton Hijab, Lazer Lloyd, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Sam Bacile, Shah of Iran, Steve Klein and Sam Bacile
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long winding road: cordoba to teheran
What Maimonides penned in the Medieval period still has coherence today. It is not by wiping out our neighbors, ostensibly and tangibly hostile nations that we attain peace and freedom. To Maimonides is was by conquering ourselves that the peace … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Boyko Metodiev Borisov, Giulio Meotti, Hatikva6, Iranian Revolution, Israel Bulgaria bombing, Jacob Bender, James Cameron, Maimonides, Maimonides guide for the perplexed, Out of Cordoba Jacob Bender, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid, Reza Deghati, Slavoj Zizek, UNESCO Maimonides
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