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Tag Archives: Jack Levine
un-wreckable status system
The widespread image of a conformist America clinging to ladders of caste, through social class is oddly belied and reinforced by the symbols of prestige that wear out, decline in power, and are then replaced, starting a new cycle of … Continue reading
modern forms to human pain
His drawings, the line drawings appear so simple. Deceptively so. But at the same time, if one tries to copy them it becomes apparent they are so powerful; surprising that single unbroken lines can create so much. The sheer energy, … Continue reading
discarding the forced, formal and faked
Orgasms of nihilism. A typically contrarian view, and one that labels Picasso as a minor artist. Essentially, an attack on the formalism intrinsic to modernism which entails a crowding out, indeed suffocation of the spiritual content. Cubism, was after all, … Continue reading
back to walden pond
Rockwell. Norman Rockwell. Kitsch. Sentimental. He helped define American popular culture in a manner almost as influential as Walt Disney. His recreation of a phony artificial world that never existed. A fantasy world tailor made for the peculiar form that … Continue reading
safe harbor for captain broke
Mitt Romney under siege for not having the common touch. For not paying sufficient taxes. For not appearing to have any interest in the poor and their sort. There is a tug of war between what economist Schumpeter termed the … Continue reading
stop the rain
Politics. Is there a place where we collectively send rich and talented, or somewhat talented people when they have nothing left? Its hard not to acknowledge. After all, there must be something of the imminently cruel, somewhat voyeuristic attitude embedded … Continue reading
a herd of mobile muskrats
I mount the steps and ring the bell, turning Wearily, as one would turn to nod good-bye to Rochefoucauld, If the street were time and he at the end of the street,… ( T.S. Eliot ) As Occupy Wall Street … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged babe ruth, casey stengel, cornel west, eddie stankey, frankie graham, Franz Kafka, Friedrich A. Hayek, George Bellows, Harold Pinter, Jack Levine, Jackie Robinson, Jonathan McIntosh, leo durocher, mel ott, occupy wall street, Paul Tillich, richard fischer Dallas Fed, rouchefoucauld, T.S. Eliot, Viktor Frankl, Walter Benjamin, Z communications Michael Albert
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compromised attachments
But, they are both equally valid formulations of the divine wisdom. At issue is the acceptance or denial of the mystical core and revolutionary undercurrents. However,A shaky atmosphere of mutual respect occasionally undercut by an ancient rift that represents itself … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged a.m. klein, arab israeli conflict, baal shem tov, bal shem tov, Bernard Lazare, Jack Levine, jewish history, Marc Chagall, maurycy minkowski, max dimont, max i. dimont, mitch abidor, palestine history, Rembrandt, richard lemm, Robert Capa, robert capa israel, talmudic study
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tin drums:Rabbit angstrom and Doonesbury
He was known more for his narrative story telling than illustrations that seemed secondary. Known more for an ostensibly corrosive pen that satirized and skewered the U.S. Government and the establishment behind it. The tyranny of the majority. Its hard … Continue reading