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Tag Archives: Joel and Ethan Coen
landfill: no country for old graphic designers
culture in a dumpster and the bothers Coen…. by Art Chantry ( This is Joel and Ethan Coen, the amazing film makers, from about 1982 or 1983. this photo (i think by rex rystedt. there’s no credit on the print) … Continue reading
true grit and rough justice: wild west as arcades project
Charles Baudelaire incarnated, in his bohemian manner, the democratization of poetry. It was a new language that lacked an academic subtext; totally alien to he Academie Francaise to which he aspired. It was the language of the “flaneur” to which … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Modern Art
Tagged Anita Sarkeesian, Charles Baudelaire, David Frum, Ethan Coen, Franz Hessel, Hailee Steinfeld, Janet Wolf, Jeff Bridges, Joel and Ethan Coen, Louise Brooks, Margarete Bohme, Otto Dix, Rebecca Keegan, Robert Fulford, Sigmund Freud, True Grit, Walter Benjamin
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When the truth is found to be lies/ and all the joy within you dies ( Somebody to Love, Jefferson Airplane ) The opening scene in A Serious Man is fictional folkloric legend where an elder man, believed to be … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Music/Composition/Performance
Tagged A Serious Man, Aleister Crowley, Charles Mackay, Coen Brothers, Einstein, Franz Kafka, Freud, Fyvush Finkel, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jefferson Airplane, Joel and Ethan Coen, Rashi, S. Ansky, Sabbatai Zevi, Shrodinger's Cat, Sigmund Freud, Steve Menashi