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Tag Archives: Karl Marx Capital
karl marx: fetish of the angry hebrew prophet
The many faces of Karl Marx. Prophet, historian, journalist,revolutionary, philosopher and attentive papa. All these faces were his, and one other: the romantic idealist exhorting man to triumph over the things he manufactures… …Of course “Capital,” was, for all Marx’s … Continue reading
karl marx: romanticism of the angry moralist
The many faces of Karl Marx. We know of the revolutionary, the prophet, the historian and the philosopher. But he had one another: the romantic idealist exhorting man to triumph over the things he manufactures… Karl Marx…But ultimately of course, … Continue reading
karl marx: the romantic idealist
Karl Marx: the romantic idealist exhorting man to triumph over the things he manufactures… …It was to this generation that Karl Marx, born in 1818, belonged. There is no cause for surprise that he became a revolutionary; it would almost … Continue reading