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Tag Archives: che guevara
waiting for the new lenin
Are we ready for an American Lenin? An American Ghandi? Not likely. At least not until “Make love not war” gives way to “Make revolution, not love.”… …The ascetic revolutionary exhibits two notable traits: he manifests, or is imputed to … Continue reading
karl marx: fetish of the angry hebrew prophet
The many faces of Karl Marx. Prophet, historian, journalist,revolutionary, philosopher and attentive papa. All these faces were his, and one other: the romantic idealist exhorting man to triumph over the things he manufactures… …Of course “Capital,” was, for all Marx’s … Continue reading
fanon: wretched by birth
Frantz Fanon. the theorist of revolution and a prophet scorned. Dead for the past fifty years, there is still an audience… …The peasant, says Fanon, thinks in terms of armed struggle, of taking the land back from the foreigner, of … Continue reading
fanon: accidental revolutionary
Frantz Fanon. The prophet scorned. Fifty years after his death, the audience still listens.Vintage violence… …At this point, Fanon could go no further, because, although he had discarded the white mask in his book,in his life he still wore it. … Continue reading
garibaldi : romance for the authentic
They don’t make them like that anymore. He was one of the first stars of the media age of mass produced and disseminated images. it was the beginning of celebrity as the basis for our communal lives; the most significant … Continue reading
tee it up: triple bogey on consumption
Throughout history, people have often been idle, and they have always had holidays. Even in the darkest periods of the Dark Ages, the rich hunted, jousted, sang, danced and made love. The peasants gorged, got drunk and cavorted. Yet, true … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged baggar vance, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, charles lees, che guevara, david allen painting, Dean Martin, earl Woods, F.Scott Fitgerald, Fidel Castro, j.f. abbott, joseph heath, pierre bourdieu, Robert Redford, Theodor Adorno, Thomas Frank, thomas frank the baffler, Thorstein Veblen, Tiger Woods, william inglis
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