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Tag Archives: Malthus
promise them anything
Birds entrails, the stars in the heavens, crystal balls: people have resorted to all these and more in an effort to foretell the future. Today of course, with business have market capitalizations in the billions, there are no soothsayers in … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alvin Toffler, Charles Mackay Popular Delusions, Condorcet, Daniel Bell, Faith Popcorn, Herman Kahn, James Canton, James Surowiecki Wisdom of Crowds, John Naisbitt, Jules Verne, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Malthus, Mark Penn, Nouriel Roubini
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hindsight sagas:waiting for surprises
…Indeed, for a historian who can establish himself in the past and not in the future, the world’s development is full of surprises: in religion, in politics, in social attitudes, there are sudden, almost electrifying, shifts and changes that would, … Continue reading
Promise them anything
…but give them a propadeutic scenario…. Bird’s guts, crystal balls, the stars in the heavens, tea leaves- individuals have resorted to all of these and more in an effort to foretel the future. Today, the seer’s tools are charts, statistics, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alvin Toffler, Anthony J. Wiener, Antonin Artaud, Futurology, Herman Kahn, Jean Paul Sartre, John William Waterhouse, Joseph L. Fisher, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Malthus, Marquis de Condorcet, Max Beckmann, Max Beckmann falling man, peter drucker, William Blake
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element of surprise
Indeed, for a historian who can establish himself in the past and not the future, the world’s development is full of surprises: in religion, in politics, in social attitudes, there are sudden, almost electrifying, shifts nad changes that would, were … Continue reading
the poor don’t need your pity
…But John Galsworthy’s concern with the suffering of others was occasioned more by the pain knowledge of it gave him than by the pain experience of it gave them: It was the sensitive liberal’s position in succinct form.But once awakened … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word
Tagged Andrew Graham Dixon, arthur galsworthy, augustus edwin mulready, Charles Dickens, george elgar hicks, Gustave Dore, jacob viner, james collinson paintings, Jeremy Bentham, John Galsworthy, John Maynard Keynes, John Stuart Mill, Joseph Conrad, Malthus, thomas benjamin kennington
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judith holofernes …if you’re happy with your gender raise your hand heil heil
feminism and gender politics are as explosive as it gets, and getting rid of sexism is as difficult as getting to the problems of racism. The classic argument is that gender feminism is a new ideology that developed as socialists … Continue reading
Since ancient times, when sickly children were left outside to die from exposure, euthanasia has been practiced, debated or condemned by various societies. Much of it involves around shortage of food and elitist thinking such as the economist Malthus. In … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged Adolph Eichmann, Al Pacino, Alex Carrel, Darwin, Dr. Brandt Eugenics, Elise Erhard, George Orwell, Goebbels, Hannah Arendt, Henry Kissinger, Hieronymous Bosch, jack Kevorkian, Jay Lamonica, John Trudell, Malthus, Pieter Bruegel, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Pieter Brueghel, Robert Lifton, Robert Proctor, W.R. Lennox
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Crocodile Hunting in Berlin
Until Death Do Us Part…But until then there is a lot of road to haul. How does one explain a condition that has been genetically stamped into humanity since the origins of the oral tradition and the hieroglyphic scrawling of … Continue reading