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Tag Archives: Modern Sculpture
the 30 million dollar fawcett
It was a one for two gift apparently. The other one hung from a paper moon of sorts. Farah Fawcett bequethed two Warhol silkscreen portraits in her will, but one never made it to the institution in Texas. It was … Continue reading
Do-Ho Suh & Instant Karma
”Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions”,said Edgar Cayce.Dubbed the sleeping prophet, Cayce was in fact an interpreter of the dream state of consciousness. Cayce believed in the law of cause and effect. He suggested that in the process of … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Art installation, Cayce, Do Ho Suh, Edgar Cayce, installation art, Lehmann Maupin, Modern Art, Modern Sculpture, Sculpture
Chance Encounters In The Snare Of Dreams
The weighty dilemma of the artist who must be ”human” in addition to creating. To slay the dragon of abstraction in pursuit of a cause. A mythological figure destined to eternal recurrence. Imagine alienation and despondency as a default setting, … Continue reading
Theatre of the Glutinous
Various supersized reflective creations, unusual installations and jumbo sculptures are featured in a retrospective exhibit of Indian born artist Anish Kapoor which opens this week at London’s Royal Academy of Arts. A highlight is a sculpture of a vintage cannon … Continue reading