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Tag Archives: mohammad shafia
Orientalism repackaged
The Shafia trial is by any extent, a far more complex process in which the social and larger contexts seemed to outweigh the actual criminal allegations which were never definitively proven, albeit the construction of circumstantial evidence, in sum, was … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Charlie Rose, Christie Blatchford, craig thompson, craig thompson habibi, Duccio, Duccio di Buoninsegna, Harold Bloom, Hegel Philosopher, Jean Leon Gerome, meir kahane, Mel Gibson, mel gibson the passion, Middle East Politics, mohammad shafia, pierre subleyras, Rick Salutin, shafia trial
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shafia: pet rats in a skinner box touch his lever
and so it is. Like Freud’s Totem and Taboo, we have an ape man living in groups dominated by an all powerful father who kept all women for his own exclusive sexual use and abuse. Unlimited, buffet style access to … Continue reading
for what is honor
God forbid. god forbid. god forbid. Gender division has nothing to do with god. It is a human construction. A devised, contrived, set of human boundaries that has promoted untold suffering, degrading both victim and victimizer. Boundaries based on sex … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Anita Sarkeesian, Bell Hooks Outlaw Culture, Christie Blatchford, Christopher Hitchens, Feminist frequency, John Singer Sargent, laurie lacelle, Louise Bourgeois, marjorie strider, mohammad shafia, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Pieter van der Heyden, robert bernstein, robert bernstein human rights watch, sebastien vrancx, tooba mohammad yahya
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betrayal : warming hands around the pyre
Some twisted ideology, getting the upper hand on common sense. But, then to some common sense is…..Is there a possibility of living outside of violence? Is pessimism an option option for thinking? Hope and despair,much like the seeming opposites of … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged ben farmer, Christie Blatchford, Edmund White, Edward Said, Franz Kafka, gaddafi death, Hannah Arendt, Jean Paul Sartre, Max Horkheimer, mohammad shafia, osama bin laden, Theodor Adorno, thomas friedman, Viktor Frankl, Walter Benjamin, widney brown
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