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Tag Archives: Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus: dawn of dark energy
Displacing man from the center of the universe and the earth as well. The stirrings of humanism and the Renaissance began to be felt… …Whatever may have been the reaction later, those who first saw the sketch of the future … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Allenstein Castle, Cat Stevens Boy With the Moon and Stars, Chris Sedgwick artist, Copernican Principle, Galileo heresy, Geocentrism, Giordano Bruno heresy, Johannes Kepler, John Werner German mathematician, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Nicolaus Copernicus, Robert Sungenis, Tycho Brahe
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young copernicus: the heavens can wait
The Copernican revolution. Displacing man from the center of the universe… …But other things preoccupied him as well. In 1497 his uncle had succeeded in obtaining his election as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral, one of the chapter of ecclesiastics who, … Continue reading
copernicus: looking at motions of the moon
The Copernican Revolution. With modesty, Copernicus displaced man from the center of the universe… …Copernicus came from solid German merchant stock, but his uncle’s influence- Bishop Watzelrode undertook the education of his sister’s family when his brother-in-law died in 1483- … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word
Tagged Copernicus, Domenico Maria da Novara, Edgar Allan Poe, Lucas Watzelrode Ermland, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Nicholas Copernicus, Nicolaus Copernicus, Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe
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diplacing man from the middle
Nicolaus Copernicus. He was called “incomparable astronomer” and was immensely respected, though controversial.After all, he displace man from the center of the universe as he pushed earth out of its traditional place; the pre-Copernican cosmos was generally held to consist … Continue reading
copernican revolution
With priestly modesty, the canon of Frauenburg displaced man from the center of the universe… He was the only begetter of the Copernican Revolution, we say. He was the restorer of astronomy, a second Ptolemy, they said in the sixteenth … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Copernican revolution, Copernicus, Jacob's Staff astronomy, Levi ben Gershom, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Martin Luther, Nicolaus Copernicus, William Cuningham Cosmographical Glasse, William Cunningham, William Cunningham engravings
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