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Tag Archives: rich cohen author
the hidden look: looks within looks
In a way, Zionism is explainable in its zeal to create a “new jew” ; an act of nihilism to consign to the dust-bin of history the entire diasporic experience of jewish life pulverized by the atomic bomb of the … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Abba Kovner, Alfred Rosenberg, Arthur Dinter, Arthur Koestler, eichmann trial, Felix Nussbaum, Heinrich Heine, Heinrich Singer, J.F. Blumenbach, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Marcel Proust, Martin Englander, Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, rich cohen author, roman vishniac, roman vishniak, Theodor Lessing, Walter Benjamin, Wilhelm Reich
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this charming man: “glee”
He is ostensibly perfectly normal. He met his ex-wife on an internet dating service. He loved singing Lionel Ritchie and his Facebook profile indicated a fondness for Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas and Katy Perry, Levi Aron, the “singing … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged black eyes peas, David Ben Gurion, debby kivel, edward g. robinson, eichmann trial, Hannah Arendt, Lady Gaga, leiby kletzky, levi aron, louis lepke buchalter, Martin Buber, rich cohen author, Ted Bundy, ted bundy execution, timothy mcveigh, victor gollancz
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