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Tag Archives: Rudolf Kastner
bearing false witness
Inside job? The implications if so, of the Yad Vashem desecrations, extensive as they were, are far reaching. Certainly, the quantity and openess in which the deed was executed has some of the earmarks of people in the know as … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Avner Shalev Yad Vashem, Der Sturmer, Haavara Agreement, Israel anarchism, Israel extreme left, Jonathan Kay national Post, Julius Streicher, Mea Shearim, MK Zahava Galon, Moses Mendelssohn, Rabbi Moses Sofer of Pressburg, Reform Movement judaism, Rudolf Kastner, Yad Vashem Museum, Yad Vashem Museum defaced
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good men in a storm?…raising canaan
It was believed that secular Zionism of the later nineteenth and early twentieth century was conceived to offer something distinct from the assimilationist currents that the Enlightenment and secular humanism was conceptually formulated to bring about. It was a ruse, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Anna Porter, Ben Hecht, Benjamin Halevi, Edwin Black, eichmann trial, Francisco Gil-White, Francois Genoud, George Soros, Glenn Beck, Haavara Agreement, Hannah Arendt, jabotinsky, Joel Brand, Malchiel Greenwald, Meir Dagan, Meretz Party, Moshe Sharett, Norman Finkelstein, Rudolf Kastner, Rudolf Kasztner, Shinui Party, Tommy Lapid, uri avnery, Yair Lapid
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