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Tag Archives: Tom Segev
under their thumb
A long farewell piece from Israeli historian Benny Morris with the backdrop of the Jewish High Holidays and the Obama administration defending its position on Israel. Context is so much; and here its odd to read Morris, a died in … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ahmadinejad at the U.N., Allon Plan, Avi Mayer, Benny Morris Historian, Conrad Black Jerusalem Post, Edgar Cayce, Ezer Weizman, Joseph Beuys, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Mahmoud Darwish, Paul McCartney, Tadeusz Kantor, Tom Segev, Yasser Arafat
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none was too many: but for whom?
Before the war was one thing, but after the war, Nazi’s could come to Canada after the war but Jews were still looked on as undesirables, although the culling out of the guilty in this absurdity is not that simple. … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Abba Kovner, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, Dr. Jeno Varga, Dr. Tom Segev, Guy Walters Telegraph, Irving Abella, Ladislaus Csizsik-Csatary, Nazi War Criminals, Rabbi Kramer Montreal, Rabbi Leib Kramer, Simon Wiesenthal, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Tom Segev, Valentin Holst, Vincent Massey, Wilco and Billy Bragg, Woody Guthrie Fascism, Zoltan Kluger
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kings and mullahs of comedy
Did you ever hear the joke about the Iman and the Grand Mufti? Not likely.Loose lips mean loose and lost limbs in some markets. Arthur Godfey’s talent scouts would have found Nirvana. Comic and predictable. Like a second rate comic … Continue reading
transfer agreements
Its the superficial liberal values; essentially reinforcing and continuing the template that was started in the 1930’s with the Transfer Agreement worked out with the early Zionists and the Nazis that brought out 70,000 of the richest German jews to … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Madame Pickwick Weekend
Tagged Arlozoroff transfer agreement, eichmann trial, Ezer Weizmann, Gideon Levy, Goldstone report, Hannah Arendt, Herzl, israel occupation, Israeli Apartheid Week, Jennifer Peyto, Konrad Adenauer, Martin Heidegger, Miko Peled, Moshe Zimmerman, paul schutzer, Rolf Vogel, The Six Day War, Tom Segev, Transfer Agreement Israel, Zionist movement
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water under the allenby bridge
A lot of water under London Bridge and the Allenby Bridge. The Jordan seems to flow into the Thames. Somehow. It took Speke, Burton and Brown many years to locate the source of the Nile, but the Thames? Zionism, the … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Abigail Green, Adame Kirsch, Andrew Roberts, Brit-Am movement of the ten tribes, Gertrude Himmelfarb, King David Hotel bombing, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Menachen Begin, Moses Montefiore, Robert S. Wistrich, The Irgun, Tom Segev, Yair Davidy
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radical chic: return of the ekosians
Truth to power. A kind of truth to power. Neo-Nazi? Patriot? Freedom fighter? Misguided genius? Eccentric gadfly and publicity hound? Clearly inscrutable, but all part of the mystery of radical Jewish culture, the people, the remnant of the remnant as … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Alan Dershowitz, Art Spiegelman, art spiegelman maus, Arthur Butz, children of holocaust survivors, david ridgen, Elie Wiesel, Eva Fogelman, fara kaplan, George Grosz, Gideon Levy, Israel Shamir, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Max Beckmann, Natasha Mozgovaya, nicolas rossier, Norman Finkelstein, Steven Plaut, Thomas Klocek, Tom Segev
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none was too many
They really didn’t want them. In terms of “positive and useful human material” they were wanting. They were a remnant of a remant, one with frayed fibers, holes and separating at the seams. The dregs of the dregs. Israel really … Continue reading
grass roots
Nihilism and anarchism? If, as you read a book, you feel that the author hates you and all the fabric of your life, that his chief purposes in writing are to communicate to you his loathing and his scorn, and … Continue reading