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Tag Archives: Time magazine
approaching perfection: little spots of hurried slop
Cher and design of the times: utterly awful and utterly perfect. Art Chantry ( Lately I’ve noticed a lot of Time Magazine covers being displayed in the Facebook™ thread I’ve been reading. A lot of my old pals are displaying … Continue reading
”The two and a half decades after World War II witnessed a frustrating, often angry, sometimes ineffectual, and-to be perfectly honest-often touching attempt to come to some sort of ”gentlemen’s agreement” concerning the International Art Program … superheated by the … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged AFA, American Art Federation, Communication Through Art, Ernest Hemingway, Georges Braque, IAFA, International Art Program, Maragaret Cogswell, Michael Krenn, Robert Sivard, Time magazine, United States Information Agency, USIA
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Art of Cognitive Incoherence
”An experience, in short, that violates all logic and expectation. The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote that such anomalies produced a profound ‘sensation of the absurd,’ and he wasn’t the only one who took them seriously. Freud, in an essay called “The … Continue reading