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Tag Archives: Utopias
”A few years ago, I told an English professor (who regularly teaches Thomas More’s Utopia in his Renaissance literature courses) that I was preparing to give a paper at a conference of the Society for Utopian Studies. He asked me where the meeting was … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous
Tagged Anabaptists Munster, Brueghel, Charles Erasmus, Desiderius Erasmus, Erasmus, Erhard Schoen, Erhard Schoen Muenster, Erhard Schon, Francis Bacon, Hans Holbein, Henri Pirenne, Jan of Leiden, Jan of Leyden, Martin Luther, Pieter Bruegel, Reginald Pole, Richard H. Robbins, Sir Thomas More, utopianism, Utopias, William Latimer
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Campgrounds for the Perplexed
From New Harmony on, the lesson has always been the same. America and the Western World is hard on utopias. In the mid 1960′s there was a utopic commune in California called ”Morning Star” which was closed down for failing … Continue reading