Tag Archives: vincent clarence price
the sinister and dreadful “yes”
Jesse Marinoff Reyes ( Jesse Marinoff Reyes Design, Maplewood, N.J.) Vincent Price (1911-1993)! Erudite and eloquent, possessing a singular elocution that could make a three letter word like “yes” seem sinister and dreadful, or drip with lofty sarcasm. Yet with … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged basil rathbone, Boris Karloff, courtauld institute, debra paget, famous monsters of filmland magazine, gene tierney, harry chester, jesse marinoff reyes, Matthew Hopkins, otto preminger, Peter Lorre, rabbi gershom crossroads, richard matheson, Roger Corman, the martha raye show, vampira, vincent clarence price, vincent leonard price sr., vincent price, william castle
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