Tag Archives: vincent price
hall of ill-famed horror: mama dracula and beyond
by Art Chantry: whenever i spot one of these ‘clusterfuck’ packs of bad horror movies (especially those put out by “Mill Creek”) i pick them up – but only if they’re under 10 bucks. they have anywhere from 20 to … Continue reading
the sinister and dreadful “yes”
Jesse Marinoff Reyes ( Jesse Marinoff Reyes Design, Maplewood, N.J.) Vincent Price (1911-1993)! Erudite and eloquent, possessing a singular elocution that could make a three letter word like “yes” seem sinister and dreadful, or drip with lofty sarcasm. Yet with … Continue reading
the winning grain
by Art Chantry ( art@artchantry.com) greatest game show ever! no argument. even the lowest intellect could play it along with the genuine hollywood “celebrities”. it looked cool (such a simple elegant set design) and when those tired old hacks were … Continue reading