Yesterday there was something written about the toxic content of craft materials that are ostensibly supposed to be non-toxic and safe to use, approved by the Arts and Craft societies testing procedures. The issue of off-gases in acrylics however is real and they do exist and have to be considered harmful. Earth Safe finishes which are out of California gave me the spiel a couple years ago and it kind of passed through the grey matter as cultural dialog from zealots from Planet Granola but they had a point. We brought in the Texture line from Deco-Art of which one part was a collection called Fierro which was an iron like texture in different colors.
In the warehouse the staff mentioned a popping sound, like a small detonation that was unexplained in terms of wherebouts which was occurring at least several times per day. It turns up that the plastic jars were in fact bursting open and emitting a loud popping sound. Volcanic lava pouring out of Mount Deco-Art. So, if the containers nihilistically get to the root of their repression, then how about the consumer breathing this stuff while basking in the enjoyment of creativity. As far as product goes, Textures is a good idea but the testing was rushed, but they also ship this stuff to Europe which has more adversity to toxins than even our pointy headed white yuppies can devise. They probably call it OGM Monsanto-style craft supplies.