The Prophet Armed. Rock the Kaaba.Islam is the only one of the world’s great religions to have been founded on the Sword as well as the Word. It began with The thirty-nine ….
Southern Arabia was a remote and backward place when Mohammed was born. Outside powers showed no interest in the empty quarter. Beyond the oases of a few urban centers on the trade routes, society was brutal and nomadic, surviving, as it always had, thanks to the camel, the ship of the desert, and the date, the bread of the desert. Political power was fragmented among many tribes. As the pastoral society gave way to a merchant economy centering on the city of Mecca, located on the principal north-south trade route, tribal institutions broke down,and with them, religious and public morality.
The message of the Koran was suited to this situation, for it stressed individual salvation rather than group interests. It provided a new moral code, teaching that to be rich and powerful was not enough. The message that Mohammed bore would enable Arab society to resolve its contradictions, unite, and eventually become a world power.Mohammed was born in Mecca, about the year 570 , to the family of Beni Hashim, a modest branch of the dominant Quraish tribe. His father, Abdallah, probably died a few months before his birth. The baby was apparently turned over to a Bedouin wet nurse and spent the first five or six years of his life in the desert. Later, after his mother;s death, his upbringing was taken over by an uncle named abu-Talib, a rich merchant and a good citizen, for he collected the poor tax.
Abu-Talib let the young Mohammed accompany him on caravans to Syria. Through his business connections, Mohammed met a wealthy widow named Khadija. He led one of her caravans to Syria, where her goods were sold at a handsome profit. The widow decided that Mohammed had broght her luck, and one day she proposed. Though Mohammed was twenty-five and Khadija forty, the difference in ages must have been outweighed by other advantages, for he readily agreed to the match. The next fifteen years of the Prophet’s life are glossed over in the biographies. One can only imagine that he was happily married, since he took no other wives while she lived. Khadija, despite her age, gave Mohammed three sons, all of whom died in infancy, and four daughters.
But Mohammed must have had other things on his mind, for he took to brooding on a cave on Mount Hira. It was there, when he was forty, on the twenty-seventh day of Ramadan in the year 610, that the angel Gabriel fond him. Mohammed became aware of a voice and a figure that remained always in front of him, whichever way he turned. Gabriel, says the Koran, “stood on the uppermost horizon, then drawing near, he came down within two bows’ lenghts or even closer and revraled to his servant that which he revealed.” The angel told him:
Recite the name of thy Lord who creatred,
Created man from a clot.
Recite!For thy lord is most gracious,
Who taught with a pen,
Taught man what he knows not.
On subsequent visits the angel told Mohammed that he should devote his life to bringing Alllah’s word to man, and Mohammed began to preach the revealed word within a small circle of
ly and friends. One of the first converts was his close friend abu-Bakr, a wealthy merchant. Mohammed met him at the central shrine, called the Kaaba, where Meccans prayed to 360 idols cut from stone in human form some of them dressed in costumes and perfumed with saffron and other spices. Mohammed convinced abu-Bakr that his revelations were genuine. Soon there were thirty-nine converts, who prayed at home, keeping the faith secret…..( to be continued)