Bending spoons in Judea and Samaria. Strange things happen when you mix politics and religion. The two keep colliding into each other even if pried apart with a crowbar. As to borrow the American phrase, Israel is not a Jewish nation, but a land of Jews. A nation of tribes without a middle or a mainstream. The defining socialist-secular ethos is dead and milking the sacred cow in the name of victimhood is no longer an option….
In the case of Michael Ben Ari and religious the right, there is something laudable in not wanting to negotiate with terrorists and being against fast-track conversion to Judaism, or Walmart conversions, side of ham optional. And to be against the Oslo Accords and further land concessions is a plausible position and a generally popular one. The problem is the way these are expressed; in a way that more resembles tumbling into the public imagery of a Julius Streicher or or Mississippi-Alabama good ole’ boys dead set against FDR’s anti-lynching bill in 1939. Its pandering to the boorish mob and their basest instincts to attack someone lower than themselves on the pecking order.
And, as a matter of tactics, the Otzma Party drove itself over a cliff: you cannot win votes and show some semblance of statemanship while shouting the od slogans and raising the clenched fist of Meir Kahane and the kach Party. Its over. Its done and it was dysfunctional from the get-go. It was always a movement that stepped way over the line and it was rightfully banned. The Otzma campaign spent too much time attacking Naftali Bennett as if they were not Jews but some imported bacteria; there is a reason why Bennett is popular and resonated with the IDF. It was unfortunate for Dr. Aryeh Eldad who deserves to be in the Knesset; the blame can be laid on Michael Ben-Ari who rubbed shoulders with out-and-out hoods and brown-shirt thugs likes Itamar Ben Gvir and Baruch Marzel who appear at professional rabble-rousers and hate mongers, in a sense transferring some anti-Semitism on the backs of another Semite, namely the Arabs. Still Ben-Ari, when he wants to, can be quite articulate:
ADDENDUM:(see link at end)…In fact, Chanash was killed because Israeli soldiers are ordered NOT to shoot terrorists. Firing into the air to scare off terrorists is a reckless, clear and dangerous policy, as Chamash’s death proves. Israeli soldiers must be ordered to fire directly at terrorists throwing rocks, molotov cocktails, or anything else at Jews! The alternative is depraved indifference towards the lives of innocent Palestinians….
.Similarly, Haaretz is also aghast at the death of a 15 year old boywho was shot in the leg while shooting large rocks from a slingshot at a military guard-post. When the soldier there felt he was in danger,he followed orders and shot the urchin in the leg. The urchin was unlucky and died of the wound. Let us note that there is no other army on earth where soldiers shoot people attacking them in the legs. They shoot them in the heads! Israel’s insane policy of shooting terrorists in the legs encourages them to attack soldiers and leads to accidental deaths, like that of this poor 15 year old.
Protect Palestinian lives … by shooting terrorists! End the firing into the air! End the shooting of terrorists in the leg!! Shoot them in the head! Palestinian lives depend on this!Read More:
…Fantastic speech, carefully thought out, and deadly accurate…