As Barack Obama prepares to ascend from the friendly skies into the illogically rational pot of stew known as the Middle East, perhaps he should have a fallback plan to cancel. The patients do not seem to be responding to the large doses of American democracy as medicine for the regions woes. Syria sees its U.S. supported Free Syrian Army guilty of war crimes on an ever increasing scale as well as fanatics hijacking the rebel military and being armed with sophisticated weaponry. Egypt is the stereotypical basket case and Libya is close second as far as these things go. So, Obama will try to throw them a bone and pacify them, hopefully by wrangling Israel to make some concession, with the Arabs using Antifada III as bargaining chip.
And the Arabs are not foolish. They know that terror wins concessions at the bargaining table. Its an old pattern: demands are made, terrorist activity is ratcheted up, and the Arab leadership clamors that the attacks are justified because of oppression and explains that the situation can be quieted by concessions and maybe siphoning off some more cash. An agreement is reached and the Israelis have to suck and swallow. From time to time there is an ebb, but never a cessation.
And Israel is partly to blame. They never broadcast a clear message that terrorism must be met with strength. The political class is afraid to admit they have endangered the security of the land with a mistaken approach. But the Israeli difficulty goes deeper than the self interest of the leaders who have embraced it. Israel continually worries first about what other nations will say, and second about its own priorities. Because of Israel’s concessions, because of their inability to stand up and claim what is rightfully theirs, they are perceived as weak. And a weak enemy invites aggressiveness.

—”Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer,” 1955, directed by Thorold Dickinson
In its time, “Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer” was considered the most expensive film ever produced in Israel. The black-and-white film by British Director Thorold Dickinson, opens as UN observers reach ‘Hill 24’ after the 1948 War of Independence to decide if it will remain under Israeli control or be transferred to the Arabs. At the hill, they find the bodies of four Israeli soldiers who fought to defend it. Although it is an English-language film, it is an integral part of the Zionist ethos that characterized Israeli discourse during the 1950s and celebrated the “new Jew,” ready to sacrifice his life for the homeland. —click image for source…
And the Jews in America are equally responsible, sharing a similar variety of cowering and poor self-image which in turn endangers lives. It would take an expert Freudian to unravel the dilemma, but the basic premise of American Jews protecting their backside first is well established and ultimately runs the potential of feeding the anti-Semitism it is so afraid of:
(see link at end)…But this is not the first time the US Jewish leaders and establishment have been shamefully self -indulgent and frightened to speak up for the sake of their fellow Jews.

—The Procession to Calvary (1564), Pieter the Elder Brueghel
Religious and spiritual pilgrimages are a universal of human experience. They may be most familiar to readers here in their Abrahamic forms, but pilgrimages were part of pre-Abrahamic worship in Egypt, and are a feature of Dharmic religions as well. Aboriginal peoples the world over have a notion of pilgrimage, and spiritual retreats or wanderings.—click image for source…
Scholarly research has revealed that the American Jews were not powerless during the Holocaust, but merely weak. They were like a muscle never fully flexed. The evidence shows that the Jewish leaders and organizations were silent even though they could have pressured President Franklin Roosevelt, to enter World War II earlier and rescue millions of Jews or bomb the death camps and railroads.

— police and witnesses said. Some witnesses said police had also used tear gas.
Arabs riot on Temple Mount
Note that they -always- riot on Jewish holy days, in this case Sukkot.
Because throwing stones isn’t a desecration of a holy place – but Jews peacefully walking around it is… image for source….
As with President Obama, President
sevelt was considered as the god of American liberalism and of the American Jewish community. The American Jews constituted the most loyal and loving of Roosevelt’s constituencies and the vast majority of Jews voted four times for him. No president till then had appointed so many Jews to public office and surrounded himself with so many Jewish advisors.
However, even when Roosevelt closed US doors to Jewish refugees prior to and during the Holocaust, the Jewish establishment refused to confront Roosevelt. Moreover, as Rafael Madoff explains in his book The Deafening Silence, the Jews were also silent because of “their fear of lifting the lid off a simmering American anti- Jewish backlash.”
The only Jewish group in the US who struggled against the silence of America and the passivity of Roosevelt were the Jews on the political right which included the Zionist Revisionists, and strictly Orthodox Jews. Instead of joining them the liberal Jewish establishment fought against them.
Consequently, the question must be asked by every American Jew as to what red lines must be crossed before the Jewish senators, congressmen and major Jewish organizations will stop being silent in regard to President Obama’s policies? When will they flex their political muscles?
What will they do if Obama decides to try to cut military aid to Israel, or lets Iran become a nuclear power? What will happen if Obama recognizes Hamas and Hezbollah and forces Israel to establish another Hamastan in the West Bank? What will happen if Obama tries to force Israel to dismantle its nuclear weapons or votes with the Security Council or the UN General Assembly to boycott Israel?
Barack Obama should not be coddled by the Jews but should be persuaded and confronted, if necessary, to withdraw the Hagel nomination.
If Obama sought to start the “fight” in order to weaken the pro-Israel support in Congress and to create “daylight” between the US and Israel, he failed miserably. Even if confirmed, the pro- Israel supporters, led mostly by Christians, have already won because Hagel has been weakened and ridiculed to the point that he will be ineffective. The vote in the Senate was the first successful filibuster of the nomination of any secretary of defense in US history.
After that humiliating event , and given how narrow his base of support seems to be in Congress, no one truly believes that Hagel will be able to implement any major changes in US foreign or military policy including trying to appease the Arab world and Iran, and weakening the close US-Israeli alliance.Read More:,7340,L-4346922,00.html
Shoula Romano Horing is an attorney. Her blog: