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Tag Archives: Boris Cyrulnik
the saturday evening you’re toast
Is disavowal repressing something unbearable, or at least sublimating it something more palatable and socially acceptable? What often arises is the concept of innocence, a byproduct of this process of disavowal and reluctance to own up and acknowledge what one … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Alice Miller, Boris Cyrulnik, da Vinci London Cartoon, Frans Hals, Friedrich Nietzsche, Heinz Kohut, Jacques Derrida, Jean Paul Sartre, Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcel Duchamp, Michel Foucault, Norman Rockwell, sarah kofman, Sigmund Freud
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kids play: just tickety-boo
There is the theory of Walter Benjamin on the discarded object, the former fetish object of capitalist consumer culture that becomes re-animated and re-contextualized after attaining junk and discard status. Transformed into a toy. It becomes re-emancipated with revolutionary potential … Continue reading
client and customer: freebies on the family
Olympia is one of the most famous paintings, one that could say marked the iconic launch of the modern era in art. The background to the work may be seen in Charles Baudelaire’s the Flowers of Evil, a very pessimistic … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Alice Miller, Boris Cyrulnik, Edouard Manet, edouard manet olympia, Germaine Greer, Gustave Caillebotte, janine Chasseguet-Smirgel, John Sloan, Marquis de Sade, Sigmund Freud, suzanne vega, suzanne vega luka, Viktor Frankl, Walter Benjamin
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old wild men: sandwiches of them
See it as a matrix of sensations.Mutable. Unfixed.Unhinged. Something of the child rubbing against the unknown world of the adult. Sometimes we have to go back to reach beyond the future, to be as children, and approach the objects of … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Music/Composition/Performance
Tagged 10cc, Alfred North Whitehead, Boris Cyrulnik, eric stewart, godley and Creme, graham gouldman, Guy Debord, john bruinsma, john williams, Kazimir Malevich, Keith Moon, lol creme, michael newman, Paul Cezanne, ralph denyer, strawberry studios, trevor horn, Walter Benjamin, Wassily Kandinsky
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Family Trees: Cut a few gnarly branches here and there
A family tree, to many, is a precious link that provides roots for millions of the rootless. It seems all men and women of European origin cling to their ancestors as assiduously as would any mandarin of ancient China. At … Continue reading