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Tag Archives: Tiger Woods
the paper chase
A just arrived and newly married combination of wire-bound sketchbook from Daler-Rowney: Buy the 8.5 x 11 inch and get a 4 x 6 inch free. Why, you don’t think Tiger Woods would not have been better off writing the … Continue reading
tee it up: triple bogey on consumption
Throughout history, people have often been idle, and they have always had holidays. Even in the darkest periods of the Dark Ages, the rich hunted, jousted, sang, danced and made love. The peasants gorged, got drunk and cavorted. Yet, true … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged baggar vance, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, charles lees, che guevara, david allen painting, Dean Martin, earl Woods, F.Scott Fitgerald, Fidel Castro, j.f. abbott, joseph heath, pierre bourdieu, Robert Redford, Theodor Adorno, Thomas Frank, thomas frank the baffler, Thorstein Veblen, Tiger Woods, william inglis
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Fiction of celebrity: somewhere drunk with passion
Dancing with the stars. Celebrity. What price? ……..Celebrity is not the same as being celebrated , but celebrity is often a precondition of being famous.The concept of celebrity as study in itself, as in being a celebrity,is a modern invention, … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Andrew McConnell Stott, Cintra Wilson, J.C. Hobhouse, Janet Whitman, Johanna Schneller, John Cam Hobhouse, Joseph-Denis Odevaere, Lawrence Taylor, Leah McLaren, Marilyn Monroe, Michael jackson, Pauline Kael, Sophia Coppola, Tiger Woods
Clouds of celebrity:A fiction somewhere drunk with passion
Dancing with the stars. Celebrity. What price? ……..Celebrity is not the same as being celebrated , but celebrity is often a precondition of being famous.The concept of celebrity as study in itself, as in being a celebrity,is a modern invention, … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged Andrew McConnell Stott, Bob Dylan, Calvin Klein, Cintra Wilson, J.C. Hobhouse, Janet Whitman, Johanna Schneller, John Cam Hobhouse, John Lennon, Joseph-Denis Odevaere, Lawrence Taylor, Leah McLaren, Lord Byron, Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Michael jackson, Pablo Picasso, Pauline Kael, Ralph Lauren, Sophia Coppola, Tiger Woods
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Ophelia and golf’s 19 th Hole. Call it brand intoxication. Imagine Tiger Woods as a handbag or a gladrag. Can you tell the difference between a luxury handbag and a fake? A new Associate professor of marketing at MIT’s Sloan … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged A Poison Tree, Alfred Jarry, Breakfast of Champions, Caddyshack, Chevy Chase, Delacroix, Desdemona, Elin Nordegren, Eugene Delacroix, Hamlet, Iago, Jack Lemmon, John Douglass Thompson, John Gribbon, Kurt Vonnegut, Merritt Janson, Ophelia, Othello, Renee Richardson Gosline, Rodney Dangerfield, Shakespeare, Shamwari Game Reserve, Simon Houpt, Tiger Woods, William Blake