Tag Archives: French Revolution

printing press: deadlier than a guillotine

Money and revolutions. Noted revolutions such as the American, Russian, French and Chinese all needed cash. badly. So they set about manufacturing some. The printing press, it can be stated, is deadlier than the guillotine… There were plenty of men … Continue reading

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political porn

…But the intellectual and philosophical criticism of the French monarchy during the French Revolution never compared in number with the pornographic novels and squibs. One of the most popular clandestine novels was Les Amours de Charlot et Toinette. It is … Continue reading

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pornography and politics

Pornography becomes quite explosive, and seemingly much more corrupting when it is applied to politics. Most people regard pornography as something to satisfy the prurient curiosity of the sex-starved or the deviant. However, pornography of a purely sexual nature, as … Continue reading

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the hindsight saga

It was one of Lenin’s more inspired insights that history always has the capacity to surprise. He was thinking mainly of political revolution, for as a revolutionary he had to be optimistic and hopeful in the darkest times in order … Continue reading

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the wilde ones

The archetype of the socialist intellectual. The keen eyed observer, but missing a few pieces that would temper an interest in the problems of society with a less poetic palette of sweeping verse. Nonethless, there are some profound insights here … Continue reading

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and the moon struck one

Exposing the infinite madness of the unconscious. Showing that anti-establishment art could be accepted, ultimately, by the powers that be through a direct democratic appeal to the what could be called “the great unwashed” unperturbed and uncorrupted by the veneer … Continue reading

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democracy is messy: get used to it

Perhaps we are going back to the roaring eighteenth-century where people learned to live with riots as they did with disease and death. It becomes part of the nature in society. Background noise. The French Revolution changed the nature of … Continue reading

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sympathy for the unwashed: springtime for voltaire?

Voltaire. The name conjures up many associations. Intelligent, radical, revolutionary. But who really was Voltaire? …. He was not, as has been said,a profound thinker. He taught men to question every legend, every conventional idea transmitted to them by their … Continue reading

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The scope and character of the pensions bourgeoises – renamed maisons de santé early in the Revolution – changed dramatically following the passage of the Law of Suspects in September 1793. This legislation called for the creation of the Revolutionary … Continue reading

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In 1793, France’s smart set checked into a “hospital” on the rue de Charone, where, for a paltry $50,000 a month, they could drink champagne, play cards, and discuss the current theatre. …The script for the Reign of Terror in … Continue reading

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