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Tag Archives: Lars von Trier
the raw deal. throw the dice: winner take all
And winner take all… imagined outcomes. Libidinal investments. Perversion as an attitude and perversion as a practice. As Walter Benjamin said in the Arcades Project:“The fascination of danger is at the bottom of all great passions. There is no fullness … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Brooke Shields, Charles Baudelaire, Donald Kuspit, Edouard Manet, emily browning, fernando meirelles, James Joyce, joan crawford, Lars von Trier, Louis Malle, melancholia kirsten dunst, miles w. mathis, Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freud, sleeping beauty movie, Walter Benjamin
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Gotta Serve Somebody
Sex and guilt taken to an illogical extreme or a battle of the sexes following the established occidental trilogy of sex-guilt and death. Mortified by guilt, degraded, hung, mutilated ; A combination Alfred Hitchcok and Agatha Christie without the mystery. … Continue reading