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Tag Archives: Louis Kahn architect
art for buildings sake
The Richards Medical Building won Louis Kahn the Brunner Prize for 1960, annually awarded by the National Institute of Arts and Letters to the architect who contributes to “architecture as art.” The professional journals rushed to applaud the center, and … Continue reading
its got rhythm
In his angular forms and ardent theories a profession searching for prophets seemed to have found a new vision. … With good reason, people seldom look twice at the random piles of brick, steel, and concrete that stand along our … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Buckminster Fuller, Frank Lloyd Wright, George Howe architect, Louis Kahn, Louis Kahn architect, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Nathaniel Kahn, Oscar Stonarov, Paul Cret architect, Robert Adam Architect, Robert Adam Roman phantasy
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