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Tag Archives: Mario Praz
wayfaring: complicity with the wanderer
Is man a wayfarer? A wanderer between two worlds? His destiny that of an outsider, eve an outlaw to the laws of nature; man asĀ wayfarer, restless and unable to settle and establish roots . He reaches a fork in … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article
Tagged Charles de Tolnay, emil l. fackenheim, erik zafran, Ernst Gombrich, Erwin Panofsky, father daniel berrigan, Hieronymous Bosch, jacque combe, Jonathan Jones Guardian, joseph gaer, kathaleen reid, Mario Praz, Martin Buber, mary jane todd, peter ompir, philip Leider, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Quentin Massys, roman vishniak, sy polsky, thomas more utopia, warner wrede, Wilhelm Fraenger, william a. coventry, yakov m. rabkin
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The main claim is that the Romantics turned the agenda of the Enlightenment on its head with a vengeance; it was crisis in an age of reason, the somewhat logical and not unexpected reaction to a scientific age. It was … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Alexander Sturgis, Carl Friedrich Lessing, Dante Alighieri, Edward Young, Ernst Gombrich, Francisco Goya, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Henry Fuseli, Horace Walpole, Isaac Newton, Jim Lane, John Flaxman, John Keats, John Locke, Joseph Wright, Joyce Plesters, Kieron Devlin, Lynne Gibson, Marco Lanzagorta, Mario Praz, Martin Myrone, Michael Cohen, Milton, Peggy Hadden, Peter Swaab, Rembrandt, Richard Cosway, Robert Miles, Romantic Age, Samuel taylor Coleridge, Shakespeare, Sigmund Freud, Tim Blanning, William Blake, William Hazlitt, Wordsworth
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It was while he was still a student that Berlioz discovered Shakespeare; ”Shakespeare and Goethe! The mute witness of my torments, who have explained my whole life to me”, and he simulataneously fell in love with the blond Irish actress … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Miscellaneous, Music/Composition/Performance, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Anthony Burgess, Beethoven, Children of paradise, Eleanor Holmes, Ernest Newman, Eugene Delacroix, Francisco Goya, Franz Liszt, Goethe, Harriet Smithson, Hector Berlioz, Hugh MacDonald, jacques Prevert, Marcel Carne, Mario Praz, mario Praz The Romantic Agony, Marquis de Sade, Mick Jagger, Mozart, Pablo Picasso, Peter Cowie, The Rolling Stones, Victor Hugo, William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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