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Tag Archives: martin kramer
orientalism: still swingin’ the sword
So, when the sword of Constantine began a swingin’, you could say that all the alternative visions, the heretical variations of Christianity, the Gnostics, Desert Hermits etc. all got the boot and we got the Church. At the other end, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged cristina fernandez de Kirchner, Georges Sorel, Jean Genet, Jonathan Kay national Post, martin kramer, meir margalit, Oslo accords, peres peace center, Sam Huntington, shifra hoffman, Simon Sebag Montefiore, victims of arab teror organization, william haver
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cairo: flights into egypt
Sensationalism.The aesthetic of violence in the Society of the Spectacle. The birth of the agitated space and a relishing of absurd charismatic appeal. Art, like the society around it, became caught between the joy of freedom and the fear of … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Art
Tagged Antoine-Jean Gros, darcy grimaldo grigsby, Dominique-Vivant Denon, Edward Said, Jacques-Louis David, Jean Baptiste Regnault, joachim beuckelaer, john frederick lewis, Louis Sass, martin kramer, Robert Rosenblum, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Suzi Gablik, sylvain bellenger
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built in obsolescence: vintage violence
In a first statement,somewhat off-guard, Gilad Shalit expressed support for the freeing of all Palestinian prisoners, if they do not turn around and engage against terror attacks against Israel, according to Al-Jazeera. While Palestinians are holding extensive celebration in Gaza, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged abu mazen, Chris Hedges, David Brooks, Edmund White, Frantz Fanon, gadaffi death, Georges Sorel, Gideon Levy Haaretz, gilad shalit, Jean Genet, Jean Paul Sartre, Lawrence of Arabia, martin kramer, michelle goldberg, Norman Finkelstein, omar khadr, Paul Newman, peter o'toole, Steven Plaut, thomas friedman, william haver
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exit strategy: swap and shop
Complex identities and conflicting and conflicted identities struggling with the burden of cynicism. Its hard to find the spiritual in profane times. But lets not work to hard at it.Dense and dark, the lyrical and the epic; the brooding and … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Albrecht Durer, Chaim Soutine, Edmund White, Edward Said, gilad schalit, gilad shalit, hadrien laroche, Jean Genet, Martin Buber, martin kramer, meir margalit, milly heyd, Paul Klee, rembrandt the jewish bride, Theodore Gericault, Walter Benjamin
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in between a boundary and a border
Border crossings. Illegal and clandestine transportation of the self to another realm….”Crimes of which a people are ashamed constitute its real history. The same is true of man.” (Jean Genet) Its an image of the collapsing moment, liberated from the … Continue reading
like necking with siamese twins
Why should violence be disavowed? After all, its just part of a tragic narrative seen within the context of the world’s greater failure and shortcomings. Perhaps, if we can remove the varnish of its mythology, we can, as Jean Genet … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word
Tagged Abbie Hoffman, Allan Krapow, Clement Greenberg, Donald Kuspit, Edmund White, Frantz Fanon, Franz Kafka, George Soros, Georges Sorel, hadrien laroche, Jacques Derrida, Jean Genet, Jean Paul Sartre, Lucille Ball, Marcel Duchamp, mark ruffalo, martin kramer, Max Horkheimer, murray krieger, occupy wall street, Piet Mondrian, Walter Benjamin
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genet’s existence and essence
Complexity of atmosphere and motive. Are morality and aesthetics mutually exclusive? In the case of Jean Genet, does eroticizing the victims, often his own lovers, wipe the slate clean, peeling away the layers of Judeo-Chrisitian morality? Jean Genet always put … Continue reading
genet: love comes in spurts
.Masks. Mirrors. Symbols. Rituals, dreams and trances… Jean Genet’s The Blacks is constructed of two simultaneous plays within the play, one performed on stage, the other out in the wings. When the lights come up, several couples are discovered turning … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word
Tagged Allen Ginsberg, angela davis, Edmund White, hadrien laroche, Hannah Arendt, jane fonda, Jean Paul Sartre, jessica mitford, Ken Kesey, Leo Bersani, Leonor fini, martin kramer, Michael McClure, Michel Foucault, steven maynard, steven mayrand, tom hayden
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