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Tag Archives: Political Remix Videos PRV
plasticity and re-mix
Plasticity a term from Sergei Eisenstein that referred to the fluidity and creative potential of animation that extended more profoundly than mere visual surface. It is the conflict of images in a montage of attraction in which the plasticity generates … Continue reading
too many dicks not enough jane
Its the use of Bertolt Brecht technique of montage imposed on the early style flash-mob style editing of Disney found in Oswald the Rabbit. The process of introducing non-natural elements that have no natural relation to what is being played … Continue reading
mix, match and catch
There are so many different strands of thought regarding “dissent”, essentially a critique of society, think back to old books like Vance Packard and Rachel Carson that our parents may have read, or even more profoundly the type of criticism … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged David Reisman, Donald Kuspit, Erich Fromm, Henry Jenkins, James Cameron, jim carrey, John Heartfield, Jonathan McIntosh, kim kardashian, participatory culture, Political Remix Videos PRV, Rex Murphy, scott walker, Vance Packard
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notes from the dark streets
A new creative commons? …Kicking the bullies in the jewels. polishing the diamonds with a good swift spring of the leg. There are the possibilities of an artistic creed of pessimism, however it appears to negate the undeniably fruitful manner … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Auguste Blanqui, camilla brodersen, Charles Baudelaire, charles bukowski, charles bukowski the laughter, Glenn Beck, Henry Jenkins, Jonathan McIntosh, julianna mauriello, political remix video, Political Remix Videos PRV, Simon Houpt, toyota matrix, Walter Benjamin
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london : read them the riot act?
Mobs and riots are not exactly new phenomenon. It’s had some water under the bridge, most of it undrinkable, to draw on. When the capital of the Roman empire moved to the East, the mob, at Byzantium rioted with unparalleled … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Madame Pickwick Weekend
Tagged Ayn Rand, boris johnson london mayor, Charlie Chaplin, charlie chaplin the kid, chico marx, dacher keltner, Frank Capra, frank capra you can't take it with you, Groucho Marx, harpo marx, Jonathan McIntosh, london riots 2011, mark duggan london riots 2011, Political Remix Videos PRV, Rev. Tim Jones, Reverend Tim Jones, The Gordon Riots 1780, watts riot 1965, Woody Guthrie
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an angel screaming its last song is redemptive
Are the boundaries between high culture and low culture artificial and easily disolvable?Do such boundaries simply repeat, enhance and reinforce one another in a homogenous system which underpins the essence of consumption and the market economy? In the 1920’s Walter … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged Charlie Chaplin, Elisa Kreisinger, Friedrich Nietzsche, Harold Bloom, Henry Jenkins, James Agee, Jonathan McIntosh, Lawrence Lessig, Political Remix Videos PRV, Sigmund Freud, Theodor Adorno, Tom Gunning, Walter Benjamin
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