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Tag Archives: J.J. Grandville
too many dicks not enough jane
Its the use of Bertolt Brecht technique of montage imposed on the early style flash-mob style editing of Disney found in Oswald the Rabbit. The process of introducing non-natural elements that have no natural relation to what is being played … Continue reading
thrift store arcadia
The Arcades Project. It was a preoccupation for what Walter Benjamin perceived as the commodification of things. The individual aura and human experience that encased existence could be fragmented and packaged like security derivatives and tranches of sub-prime mortgages. Benjamin … Continue reading
basically it was a lie: the weight of conformity
Technology. Television, internet, music. What Theodor Adorno called “the culture industries” . This was seen by Walter Benjamin in the 1920’s as being at the forefront of what was termed “modernity”. Benjamin saw this as “radical immediacy” and it would … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged ben silverman, Dave Maisel, electus ben silverman, Felix Gillette, Harold Bloom, J.J. Grandville, morgan meis, Morgan Spurlock, Robert Wiesenthal, sean farnel, Steven Spielberg, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin
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