Tag Archives: Jonathan Swift

castle the castle

The immortal tour of James Boswell and Dr Samuel Johnson into the Highlands of Scotland in 1773. An incongruous team they were… At his first sight of Dunvegan Castle Boswell remarked with satisfaction, “This is feudal indeed.” What pleased Johnson, … Continue reading

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gulliver’s unravels

Robert Wadlow. The tallest man in the United States. …By his twentieth birthday, when he was 8 feet 6 3/4 inches tall, Wadlow’s step had slowed to an elephantine shuffle. He was infuriated now by those self-styled comedians who several … Continue reading

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swift kick in the keegster

Psst! Pass the bum wipe.  Perversion seems intrinsic to modern art, at least at the split off side that gazes into the bowl of disavowal. And this has been so from the beginning; the long arc extending back to an … Continue reading

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appeal of the kit-kat style

Its popular entertainment to attribute the unknown throughout history to secret societies, the esoteric forces and hints of sacred sexuality gone awry. From Umberto Eco’s Prague Cemetery, Dan Brown or even Schmuley Boteach and his blending of implied messianism with  … Continue reading

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judging a cover by its book

Biblical prophecy is always a fascinating subject, dealing as it does with the hope of golden age, a repairing of the world, a making whole, a redemption mixed with the equal propensity for apocalyptic destruction. It predates the secular utopianism … Continue reading

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distrusting the utopian prophets

Its an odd way to define oneself: a tory anarchist. Maybe for max Beerbohm it was a reaction to the times; a refuge in this tidal wave of elitist white racist socialism that was so popularized by the likes of … Continue reading

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too many dicks not enough jane

Its the use of Bertolt Brecht technique of montage imposed on the early style flash-mob style editing of Disney found in Oswald the Rabbit. The process of introducing non-natural elements that have no natural relation to what is being played … Continue reading

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800,000 words

A religion of Jesus or a religion about Jesus…As Jonathan Swift once said, “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.” ‎”among the sayings and discourses imputed to him (jesus) … Continue reading

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swift sparks of low heeled boys

A master satirist, Jonathan Swift was something of a misanthrope. An amiable one, but one who detested mankind. Still, undaunted, he wrote in a stubborn hope that people could be stung, stabbed, and whipped into better sense. Three-hundred years later, … Continue reading

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swift kick in the keegster

Everyone defecates and we can’t get around the stink. It’s a source of puzzlement and consternation for many. Like stark reality confronting the imagery of the divine. Simply, some can’t make do out of do. We are tenuously, but intricately … Continue reading

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