Tag Archives: Richard Dawkins

signed into law, sealed and delivered…

Appearance at the expense of reality, as a gesture to obscure and deny reality? Rather in the context of post-modernism, the society of the spectacle, where we give up on external as well as internal reality, treating the two of … Continue reading

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the mono men: back to me, myself and sigh

The Hawkins, Hitchens legacy… The atheist, too, would not dare deny himself a god and why not get personally involved in the god business; they have a god and it is themselves.  You could say that the pagan, the idolator … Continue reading

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darwin: hooker, line, and sink or swim

…Darwin’s own account suggests that in part he owed the inspiration for his theory to reading T.R. Malthus’s Essay on Population which was written in 1798, though the dates in Darwin’s journal throw some doubt on this. Malthus’s essay purports … Continue reading

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darwin: pinning the tail on the honkey

…It was the unscientific character of early evolutionary theory that made scientists like Lyell and Huxley, and Darwin himself, skeptical. All the same, their predecessors made some telling points. There were the improvements made in some domesticated animals and plant … Continue reading

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young darwin: denial of the fittest

…Darwin himself was a lover of nature, a collector and sportsman, before he was a man of science. He grew up with the tastes of an English provincial gentleman at a time whn hunting, shooting, and the breeding of horses … Continue reading

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darwin: insufferable biding of time

…The voyage of the Beagle was, as he said himself, the formative experience of Darwin’s life. He lived hard, working in the cramped conditions of a sailing ship, rounding Cape Horn and making expeditions hundreds of miles inland through dangerous … Continue reading

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benevolent nature: and then came darwin

…The world was not only imaginatively comprehensible, it was benevolently ordered. It is true that, ever since Copernicus and Galileo, the earth could no longer be regarded as the center of the universe; the music of the spheres was stilled. … Continue reading

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darwin: missing links on those facts

…Huxley made the famous retort, in response to Bishop Wilberforce’s gibe, that he would prefer to have an ape for a grandfather than a man “possessed of great means and influence” who used his influence to bring an important scientific … Continue reading

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brand awareness of all types: angry bird

Designer rebel. Rebel sell.To somehow integrate and embed social capital and status within the revolution. Give it a hipster edge with street credibility. Go Adbusters on Syria. The sectarianism and the variety of ideologies and objectives lend themselves well to … Continue reading

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gulf of hormuz rowing team

Everyone wants that little extra edge as preparatons for the Olympiad in London approach. Apparently Western athletes have been literally blazing a trail in secret training in Iran leaving in their wake parched trails. An Iranian vice president has suggested … Continue reading

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