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Tag Archives: vermeer forgeries
an original of a copy
But, then is not the artist themselves, whether man or woman, merely a “copy” an “imitation” even a forgery of the original’ the original first, man and women, of which after the Fall have lot their original aura, their sense … Continue reading →
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged alfred lessing, Arthur Koestler, Diego Rivera, Dietrich Fey, Han Van Meegeren, Jan Vermeer, Johannes Vermeer, Lothar Malskat, martin gough, max stern, max sterner, oswald hanfly, Pablo Picasso, Roland Barthes, Thorstein Veblen, timothy binkley, vermeer forgeries, Walter Benjamin, Wassily Kandinsky
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