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Tag Archives: Johannes Vermeer
it’s an ordered world: plane enjoyment
The essential element in any classical composition is order. Although, all composition is order in one form or another, in classical composition order is associated with the idea of repose and possibly can exist for itself alone as an exercise, … Continue reading
easel does it: I’ll paint with my donkey
Old easels never die, they just drag themselves into the woods on their last legs to become recycled, resurrected again to serve the aims of art. When painting came off the wall and onto the floor, the deed was done … Continue reading
Pious consumption. As Easter is upon us, so is a recurring drama of what the holiday means. Believer based critiques as opposed to the deeply secular and atheistic. It is often a case of the message overwhelming the medium and … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Visual Art/Sculpture/etc.
Tagged Adam Smith, Alfred North Whitehead, Ben Bernanke, Caiaphas Sanhedrin, Caravaggio, Christian Ethics Today, Chrsit Before Caiaphus, Easter, Father Raymond J. de Souza, George Jonas, Giotto, Giotto di Bordone, Hans Memling, Harvey Cox, Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Jesus Christ, Jesus Easter, Johannes Vermeer, John Moore, Martin Scrosese, Mehmet Ali Agca, Michael Baigent, nathan greene, Nikos Kazantzakis, Pontius Pilate, Rembrandt, Richard Leigh, Steven D. Greydanus, Tertullian, The last Temptation of Christ Scrosese, Vermeer, William Blake, William Dafoe
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We look at old pictures through a double frame. The solid gilt frame which isolates it from its surroundings and creates for it a hole in space; and the period frame in our minds which creates for it a hole … Continue reading
The Rhino Horn: Violent Aesthetic Power
Salvador Dali on Vermeer’s ”The Lacemaker”: ”Up until now The Lacemaker has always been considered a very peaceful, very calm painting, but for me it is possessed by the most violent aesthetic power, to which only the recently discovered antiproton … Continue reading
Posted in Miscellaneous
Tagged Johannes Vermeer, Mark Jenkins, Salvador dali, The lacemaker
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Counterfeiting A Visual World
Johannes Vermeer, is a Dutch master, whose mystique is enhanced by the near inexistant , obscure and fragmentary knowledge available. He is an invisible artist who remains unseen. Vermeer (1632-1675) was a baroque Dutch painter who specialized in domestic interior … Continue reading