Tag Archives: Jan Vermeer

it’s an ordered world: plane enjoyment

The essential element in any classical composition is order. Although, all composition is order in one form or another, in classical composition order is associated with the idea of repose and possibly can exist for itself alone as an exercise, … Continue reading

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assault on english

…The deadening influence that official jargon can exert upon thought was a topic that preoccupied George Orwell. … In Orwell’s novel, 1984 he recounted dramatically how a government in control of all media of communication can and will so degrade … Continue reading

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malraux: wanting to believe in the song of history

…The trouble is that Malraux appeared to find himself in that unhappiest position of a man who wants to believe but cannot. However, a substitute faith- in art or anything else- offers no real way for the atheist or the … Continue reading

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malraux: lifting something out of time

Andre Malraux and his Metamorphosis of the Gods tapped into the less than independent pretensions of modernism… …But whatever the amalgam of ideas, the precise mixture was Malraux’s own; and it was sweepingly, exhiliratingly persuasive when the “world beyond” of … Continue reading

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easel does it: I’ll paint with my donkey

Old easels never die, they just drag themselves into the woods on their last legs to become recycled, resurrected again to serve the aims of art. When painting came off the wall and onto the floor, the deed was done … Continue reading

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an original of a copy

But, then is not the artist themselves, whether man or woman, merely a “copy” an “imitation” even a forgery of the original’ the original first, man and women, of which after the Fall have lot their original aura, their sense … Continue reading

Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Modern Arts/Craft | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

between the tiny folds: bernie and the beast

The challenge for luxury brand advertisers is to demonstrate they are connected to reality and in tune, a degree of empathy to global welfare. Something other than the transparently self-serving elitists parlaying superficiality into grotesque profits. … This was a … Continue reading

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Sundown on the golden age

When Jan de Witt became defacto head of the Dutch republic it ushered in an era of prosperity and liberalism, for the time, that was unheard of. Dutch commerce, trade, and especially the arts developed an identity that has been … Continue reading

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Golden Guilders: going dutch with jan de witt

Under Jan de Witt, the Dutch bested the great powers at both arms and commerce, arts and science. However, in a moment of panic they killed him and the Dutch Golden Age turned to lead. So much of what we … Continue reading

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Not in my salon

Few styles fell so far into disrepute as the once-prized academic art of the nineteenth-century.Bad as most of it really was, some of it did not deserve the exile it had received. This banishment of French Salon paintings took a … Continue reading

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