The Biblical argument is that for two thousand years,during which Jews wandered from country to country, Israel has remained the national home. From the beginning of the exile to this day, no matter how farflung his current host country might be, every Jew has turned to face the Holy Land in his thrice-daily prayers. It is a case of Biblical promise confronting secular, humanistic layers of legality and politics. Yet, it is the central principle of the Jewish faith, reiterated from Rashi on down, that any sacrifice of the Holy Land that was granted to the Jews by God is of absolutely no validity.

—“The Crossing of the Red Sea”, Nicholas Poussin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In English, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is calling its effort – launched Wednesday – to strike a blow to Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure “Pillar of Defense,” but in Hebrew the operation’s name has another, deeper biblical meaning. In Hebrew, the IDF named its operation “Amud Anan,” that is Pillar of Cloud, a clear reference to the flight of the Children of Israel from Egypt and how God protected them.
In the Book of Exodus 13:21, as the Israelites flee Egypt and the oppressive Pharaoh, the scene is described this way:
The Lord went before them in a pillar of cloud by day, to guide them along the way, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light, that they might travel day and night.—click image for source…
From this perspective the entire Land of Israel- not only the coaster region, Jerusalem and the Galilee, but also Judea, Samaria, and indeed every tiny portion of the land- is part of an organic whole, and indivisible and sanctified unity. This explanation is, moreover, the only rationale that cannot be refuted by the Arabs or the Americans for that matter. They also accept the Bible and believe in the truth of its prophecies. The Koran does not dispute the Jews’ right to the Land of Israel. And, it would be hard to conceive of an American president telling the nation that God’s promise to Abraham is not relevant. The connection between the land and the Jews is so well linked that everywhere it is referred to as “the Land of Israel.”

—Israeli forces razed three temporary structures comprising a wildcat settler outpost near the West Bank city of Ramallah early on Tuesday, an Israeli spokesman told AFP.
The demolition of the Oz Zion outpost was carried out by the Civil Administration, the Israeli military body which manages all civilian affairs relating to the Palestinians and their lands in the portions of the West Bank under full Israeli military and civilian control.
Civil administration spokesman Guy Inbar said that some three weeks ago troops had demolished illegal structures at the same location.
Tuesday’s operation was “a recurring action to destroy illegal structures,” he said, noting that it sparked minor clashes, but police said no-one was arrested. —click image for source…
Israel’s connection is rooted in the Bible’s prophecies and in this context no additional credibility is needed through Balfour Declarations, or other international agreements. Ultimately, Israel is unique in claiming Biblical prophecy as the basis for claim, and then advancing other arguments to reinforce the position. But, when that foundation is lacking, the claim that the land was robbed and stolen puts the argument on a tricky and shifting foundation. The religious argument is that God showed overt miracles in winning defensive wars, and if God grants his people land in such ways, why should it be returned? Is it proper to spurn a divine gift? ( to be continued)…
(see link at end)…Meotti:The borders that PM Netanyahu intends for “Palestine” are the same as every other Israeli PM has had in mind for the last twenty years with some variations.
From the Bar Ilan speech to the Herzl speech at the Knesset, Netanyahu talked many times about the removal of a group of “settlers”, between 60.000 to 120.000 people.
The Prime Minister mentioned the need for “painful concessions” along with Israel’s desire to keep the “settlement blocs”, which clearly implied holding on to the second while giving up the first.
That’s why the Israeli government just sent the army to “clear” the Oz Tzion outpost near Beit El over Sabbath. Again Israeli soldiers and policemen bashing Israeli children with batons and tear gas. Young children and babies forced out of their beds at 2 a.m., in the freezing cold while expelling families from their homes. Brave mothers treated criminally. An Israeli State which does that to its people doesn’t deserve to be defended.
In a New York Times’ report titled “Mapping Mideast Peace”, there are three possible scenarios, in which 59.782, 79.805 and 94.226 Jew
“settlers” are abandoned to their fate, along with 77, 82 or 88 communities.It would be the largest evacuation of Jews since the expulsion from Spain in 1492.
Twenty years ago, Ray Padilla, director of the Hispanic Research Center at Arizona State University, referred to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 as a “cultural big bang,” alluding to the Creation Theory. Another big bang would take place with the eviction of “the settlers” from their villages and homes. The only difference is that this time would be commanded not by Ferdinand and Isabella, but a Jewish government.
Many times Jews have been expelled: in 632 King Dagobert expelled all Jews from France; in 1012 Henry II of Germany expelled all Jews from Mainz; in 1121 Jews were driven out of Belgium until they repented of killing Christ; in 1182 King Philip of France expelled the Jews and turned synagogues into churches; in 1290 King Edward I banished Jews from England, forcing 16,000 to leave; in 1306 Philip the Tall expelled 100,000 Jews from France, which was officially without a Jewish population, and the list goes on….Read More: