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Tag Archives: Benjamin Netanyahu
democracy in fraction
Israel has an electoral system based on nation-wide proportional representation. What that means is lots of fringe parties and never a majority government. Every government is a coalition. The number of seats which every list receives in the Knesset is … Continue reading
settlements: obstacle or necessary to peace
It seems like an inverted sense of logic, but to a not insignificant number, the most immediate step to solving the problem is to settle the entire land. That is, wherever there is an open space in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Amona expulsion, Benjamin Netanyahu, Daniella Weiss, ehud olmert, Giulio Meotti, Jaron Gilinsky, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Migron expulsion Israel, Moshe Feiglin, Naftali Bennett Bayit Yehudi, Oz Zion outpost, Rabbi Dov Lior, Tzipi Livni
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forgive and forget: back soon for more
Forgive and forget? The elusive search for the in-between space. The sweet spot between how much we are permitted to forget, to let drift off in a vaporous cloud, and how much we are incited, cajoled and have it beaten … Continue reading
stop the world: they want to get off
Violent, excessive and racist. No, not the Pamela Geller ads on Manhattan buses that council choosing civilization over Jihad or Holy War. Civilization you say? How about an Israeli rabbi ordering his flock to burn iphones, which is a way … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Ahmadinejad at United Nations, Benjamin Netanyahu, ehud olmert, Ehud Olmert acquitted, Haim Hefer, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Pamela Geller, Paul McCartney, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, sandy koufax, Shaike Levi, shimon peres, Yated Neeman
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greetings on his day
The anti-politician in many ways.Anathema to Israel’s liberal secular elite, who regarded him as totally lacking in the “aesthetics” of the “new jew”. Not exactly Abba Eban. To some a terrorist, to others a true patriot. Not smooth,devoid of drama,majesty … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged a.m. klein, Alon Eilat, Arlosorov assassination, balfour declaration, Benjamin Netanyahu, Chaim Arlosorov, Edward Said, Lech Walesa, Lord Moyne assassination, Merav Ktorza, Rabin assassination, Shamgar Commission, Sir Harold MacMichael, The Stern Gang, yitzhak rabin, Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Shamir obituary, Zionist revisionism
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cultural baggage: have genes will travel
Its a hot potato and it opens up a long standing internal sore between Eastern European jews and the Western European Hebrew, basically left, secular and more powerful both politically and economically. The African illegal immigration, whether economic, or political … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged African asylum seekers Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, Kach Party, kahanism, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Martin Englander, meir kahane, MK Danny Danon, MK Michael Ben Ari, MK Miri Regev, MK Ofir Akunis, Sudan refugees Israel
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remnants of remnants
… the passing of Benzion Netanyahu, scholar, Zionist leader, and father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He was 102.He saw a lot. He was termed a right wing nutjob and loathed by the bourgeois white liberal Israeli establishment. The problem … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged Benjamin Netanyahu, Benzion Netanyahu, Cardinal Ratzinger, Francisco Goya, Gideon Levy Haaretz, Hannah Arendt, jabotinsky, Jabotinsky Betar, Labor Zionism, Madame Pickwick, madame pickwick art blog, Martin Buber, Martin Heidegger, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Political Zionism, Pope Ratzinger, Spanish Inquisition, yair stern, Zeev Jabotinsky, Zionist revisionism
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