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Tag Archives: John Ford
ghosts of remembrance: of things past
The docudrama. It was awful as commercial cinema. In fact it was a form of propaganda. But in its own inscrutable way, the newsreel style, the efforts to depict reality and achieve political goals in West Germany through cinema were … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged anselm kiefer, Billy Wilder, Don Siegel, Hanus Burger, Jack L. Warner, John Ford, Josh Waletzky, knox manning, Sandra Schulberg, Saul Elkins, sidney bernstein, Stuart Schulberg, the holocaust, Theodor Geisel, todesmuhlen death mills
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eska : protecting whose purity?
Access to clean, safe drinking water is the exception and not the rule in many aboriginal communities in Canada. In this country of vast mineral wealth, it is most appalling. Water usage and bulk water sales are a sensitive issue, … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media
Tagged atanarjuat: the fast runner, clifton nicholas, Dustin Hoffman, eaux vives water, eska water, eskan warriors, gilles corriveau eska, Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Ford, John Wayne, marlene jerome, MDC Partners, neil diamond cree filmmaker, rezolution pictures reel injun, Simon Houpt, zacharias kunuk
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Heresy on the Guest list: too darn hot
Heresy has always had many faces. The classic division has always followed the Voltaire pattern of speaking truth to power in order to be absorbed within the establishment, and accept the sacraments. Heresy has traditionally been seen as four faced: … Continue reading
Posted in Art History/Antiquity/Anthropology, Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Benozzo Gozzoli, Charles Lindberg, Charles Lindbergh, Cole Porter, Dorothy Thompson, Ethan Mordden, Ethel Waters, Fred Astaire, Goethe, Grouch Marx, John Dos Passos, John Ford, John Wycliffe, Katharine Hepburn, Moss Hart, Pedro Berruguete, Simon Magus, Sinclair Lewis, Stefan Kanfer, Truman Capote, Voltaire
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Do we blow up the ranch and burn the town or just take it over and run it into the ground? There has been a tendency in the discipline of film studies to treat the Western as ideological and, hence, … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous, Modern Arts/Craft
Tagged Akira Kurosawa, Arthur Koestler, Arthur Penn, Bruce Willis, Christopher Frayling, Clint Eastwood, Dashiell Hammett, Drucilla Cornell, Eli Wallach, Henry Fonda, Howard Hawks, John Ford, John Wayne, Pasquale Marco Veltri, Paul Cooke, Peter Bondanelle, R. Philip Roy, Robert Altamann, Robert Altman, Robert Pippin, Ross Miller, Sam Peckinpah, Sergio Corbucci, Sergio Leone, Sergio Sollima, Thomas E. Wartenberg, Thomas Weisser, Tim Dirks, Walter Benjamin, Walter Brennan, William Wellman, William Wyler, Wyatt Earp
“With the stakes raised so high, the heroes of such dramas are indeed often superheroic, near divinities. One man can outduel five others in a shoot-out (as in the Achilles and Patroclus ending of Unforgiven [dir. Clint Eastwood, 1992] or the final gunfight … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Literature/poetry/spoken word, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged André Bazin, Andrew Samuels, Carl Jung, Clint Eastwood, Corneille, David Brooks, Freud, Gary Cooper, Howard Hawks, James Madison, Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Ford, John Wayne, Ken Salazar, Luiga Zoja, Martha Wolfenstein, Michael Vanoy Adams, Nathan Leites, Paul Krugman, Robert B. Pipppin, Robert Pippin, Robert Warshow, Sam Peckinpah, Samuel L. Kimbles, Sarah Palin, Thomas Singer
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What are westerns all about? As the gunsmoke clears from the main streets of those frontier towns, there is always a persistent political theme. … Where is the best place to hide a leaf? asked G. K. Chesterton’s fictional detective, … Continue reading
Posted in Cinema/Visual/Audio, Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion, Marketing/Advertising/Media, Miscellaneous
Tagged Aristotle, Bill Clinton, Burt Lancaster, Carl Jung, Charles Portis, Clint Eastwood, Dennis Hopper, G.K. Chesterton, Gary Cooper, Glen Campbell, Harry Schein, Harry Wilmer, Henry Fonda, John Ford, John Ronson guardian, John Wayne, Kim Darby, Kirk Douglas, Lech Walesa, Lee Van Cleef, Machiavelli, Martha Wolfenstein, Michael Vanoy Adams, Nathan Leites, Robert Pippin, Sam Hellman, Samuel G. Engel, Stuart N. Lake, Tea Party, Tim Dirks, Tomasz Sarnecki, Victor Mature, Winston Miller, Wyatt Earp