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Tag Archives: sigmar polke
debunking the image
But Greenberg, in 1939, could not have foreseen was that the so-called avant-garde would adot the characteristics of the kitsch art he perceived as being endemically mutable to the forces of totalitariansim. Later, he arrived at a slightly different conclusion, … Continue reading
burying the dead ends
The avant-garde revolution was over. Ironically, their work also signified the end of avant-gardism and the onset of post-modernism. The avant-garde had become history. Its contradictions, the emptiness, the triumph of form over substance, essentially its transformation into rote kitsch … Continue reading
escape to the clumsy arrangements
The aesthetization of political understanding. After all, kitsch is the dominant culture, almost the only culture. Its effects are characterized by immediacy, an ingratiating nature,a form devoid of ambiguity and a cuteness marked by superficiality. Sometimes however, and somewhat disconcertingly, … Continue reading
Posted in Feature Article, Ideas/Opinion
Tagged adolf reich, adolf wissel, Arno Breker, carl andre, Christian Schad, Clement Greenberg, dennis dutton, Donald Kuspit, edmund steppes, Harold Rosenberg, Herman broch, leo baeck, Louis Proyect, Max Ernst, Michele C. Cone, Milan Kundera, paul padua, sigmar polke
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